Our kaupapa
Ngā Motu Whakahī is a holistic and long-term initiative to nurture our future Māori and Pacific research leaders through tuākana-teina cohort building.
The Ngā Motu Whakahī programme aims to develop a new mentoring programme in the research space. Aligning with the University’s Strategic Plan to embrace values of equity and inclusion, Ngā Motu Whakahī is an important vessel to grow the number of Māori and Pacific research students and research-active academic staff in the Faculty of Science.
Using a navigation metaphor, the programme aims to be a journey between and across the following three ‘islands’, with waves connecting them:
Poipoia te kākano
Through workshops and research projects, the first level enables pre-university level Māori and Pacific participants (and their schools and families) to grow a strong foundation for a future in science.
Working with current Māori and Pacific students in the Faculty of Science, the second level aims to build and foster a cohort of confident, connected and thriving students interested in research, through research scholarships and internships for undergraduates.
Pūtaiao Herenga Waka
The third level will enable postgraduate research students and early career academics to flourish by providing them with clear pathways through academia and beyond, extending their journey to new horizons, whilst acknowledging community and family connections.
Te Painga Ngaru – The ripple effect
The waves connecting our islands are symbolic of the actions we take to ensure that all students and research-active staff feel included and can thrive in their environment. This work is fluid, like waves, and the intention is that its effects will ripple throughout the Faculty and beyond towards transformative cultural change.