The Tuākana programme in the Faculty of Science draws from the shared whakapapa and history between Māori as tangata whenua and Pacific peoples (Tagata o le Moana-nui-a-Kiwa), both successful navigators of the vast Pacific ocean. We celebrate Māori kaupapa and Pacific ways of being and knowing through Tuākana-Teina learning environments in a variety of places across Waipapa Taumata Rau. The overarching aim of Tuākana is to retain and grow a thriving body of Māori and Pāsifika students and staff by providing access, opportunity and celebration of success at all levels.
Tuākana is where Māori and Pāsifika students thrive on campus; Tuākana spaces are for whakawhanaungatanga, tutorials, wānanga, fonotaga, workshops and are dedicated spaces focused on growth and success.
Tuākana aims to nurture your academic ability while also supporting your personal journey, enabling you to reach your full potential. We recognise that students already have the skills and knowledge to contribute incredible advancements to their field of study, and the programme gives you the space to explore the potential you already have.